ProLion Team, November 2022

The Importance of Data Transparency at a Storage Level

You might be feeling in the dark when it comes to your storage systems data. You might have asked yourself these questions often: What files are being accessed? By whom? Is our data safe?  

With the ever-increasing volume of data, storage administrators struggle to identify what data they have, what it consists of, how old it is, and who has access to it. 

On average, an employee can retrieve 17 million files containing sensitive data according to a Global Data Risk Report by Varonis. You trust your employee to safeguard this information, but data breaches – whether an accident or malicious intent – occur every day and affect every industry. 

Data transparency on a storage level is critical for many reasons:  

  1. Exposing who accessed specific files in real-time  
  2. Identifying and stopping suspicious activities 
  3. Revealing which files have been manipulated, allowing for targeted recovery

Tip: CryptoSpike not only stops ransomware before substantial damage occurs, but can also track activity on the file storage system via the event source. 

Monitoring File Activity  

Insider threat cases and massive data leaks continue to trend upward illustrating the need for consistent tracking and monitoring of file activity.   

In fact, insider threat incidents have risen 44% over the past two years, with costs per incident up more than a third to $15.38 million, according to a report by the Ponemon Institute.  

With CryptoSpike, you gain complete insight into who accessed which file and when it happened. Via the information retrieved from the event source, CryptoSpike tracks the data monitored on the file storage system in real-time and which actions occurred such as:  

  • CLOSE 
  • OPEN 
  • READ 
  • WRITE 

Here are three use cases associated with the importance of data transparency on a storage level:

Use Case #1: Improving Data Quality  

These days, businesses are inundated with too much information, which can lead to inaccuracies and poor data hygiene.  

Data audits can improve the quality of your business’ data, while also uncovering silos or access issues. A regular assessment of data can help organizations learn where their data is as well as gain insights into the quality and reliability of this information.  

91% of leaders say investing in data quality has positively impacted business growth, according to an Experian report. 

CryptoSpike provides full data transparency at the user level with on-demand file activity forensics that are readily available around the clock to help you tackle that data audit head-on and ensure accuracy, consistency, and integrity year-round.

Use Case #2: Detecting Suspicious & Malicious Activity  

A government employee steals confidential data after being fired. A disgruntled salesperson sells pertinent information for financial gain. There are many motives for malicious activity within a company. But how do you detect it? 

Suspicious modification of data, such as mass deletion of files, can be a sign of malicious activity – for example, a ransomware attack. Ransomware is part of 10% of all breaches with 37% of global organizations stating they were the victim of some form of a ransomware attack in 2021, according to IDC’s “2021 Ransomware Study.” 

CryptoSpike, which integrates with your existing Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) platform, recognizes suspicious user behavior that could indicate a malware attack, a mass data manipulation attempt, or excessive copying, deletion, or movement of files. An alert will be sent to your IT team, linking you to a full audit trail of activity associated with the threat. 

Use Case #3: Restoring Files Quickly  

Mistakes happen. We’ve all accidentally deleted important files or moved them into a random folder only to lose track of where they’re located. In some cases, you may have accidentally dragged and dropped a folder somewhere unknown – what we call the dark abyss.  

But did you know human error is the leading cause of data loss in organizations? Not only is it frustrating to lose vital information, but it’s time-consuming for your coworkers to track down the files and folders.  

With CryptoSpike, storage administrators can swoop in and save the day by immediately restoring files and folders in seconds, or better yet, returning improperly moved files to their proper locations.  

Key Takeaways  

In short, your storage system doesn’t have to be a “black box.” CryptoSpike is the perfect solution to shed light on the data within, to help you improve data visibility and analyze the quality and quantity of available information.  

The three main reasons to consider our data transparency solutions for your company include:  

  • Improving data quality 
  • Detecting malicious activity  
  • Restoring files quickly 

Curious to learn more about CryptoSpike to see if it’s a good fit for your company?